A volte basta un’immagine. Nel caso, l’immagine d’un bambino e di un padre annegati. Ed a volte neppure un’immagine – un’immagine come questa, capace di spiegare tutta l’ingiustizia del mondo in cui viviamo – può bastare nel mondo incattivito ed involgarito dei Trump e dei Salvini…
Adalicia Montecino holds her year-old son Johan Bueso Montecinos, who became a poster child for the U.S. policy of separating immigrants and their children, as his father Rolando Bueso Castillo caresses Johan’s head, at the Casa Belen shelter in San Pedro Sula, Honduras, Friday, 20, 2018. Johan Bueso Montecinos arrived in San Pedro Sula and was reunited with his parents on a government bus. Captured by Border Patrol agents in March, Johan’s father was deported and the then 10-month-old remained at an Arizona shelter. (AP Photo/Esteban Felix)